Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meanwhile, at Shifty Danger Studios...

...Tres shoots scenes for his film title sequence, Andrew sets the mood with some tunes and David the Gnome shows up wearing Gandalf's hat. Who would have thought?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Last Sketch

This is somewhat of a template I am about to use as a guide for inking my typography for my album cover. I am more than likely going to scale down the shaded words ('the', 'of', and 'the' again), move the second 'the' up to rest next to 'of' under the word 'story', and experiment with different placement for the type as well as trying out some of the swirly connective stuff I did in the previous sketch. I want to achieve some degree of connectivity/flow/pattern between the letters.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Working on film title sequence

Some pictures Heath took while I was setting up one scene of my title sequence for the movie, Memento.